Tactical Furry Outfit Part 1 (NARDORAGON VERSION) - Uniform Bundle
Presenting you a big bundle of clothing options for the Nardoragon base! Themed after military and to look tacticool™
⚠Use code qsic5we for 30% off! Has 50 uses.⚠
This contains the following:
- The Crye Set
- Crye Top, has optional rolled sleeves blendshape
- Crye T-Shirt
- Crye Pants, has optional bloused blendshape
Crye your wallet no more, you can wear the pretty Crye set for your Nardo avatar!
- Softshell Jacket, based after Blackhawk! Softshell Jacket, optional rolled sleeves blendshape, hood can also be worn thanks to parent constraint attached to your avatar's head bone (must have HoodDownAlt blendshape set to 0 when worn).
Imports from Eastern Europe brings you the Softshell Flexion jacket.
- Digitigrade Boots (Type-B shown below)
Just a pair of boots built for digitigrade feet of the Nardoragon. Duty design built to last longer and is durable.
- Kneepadless Variant of the pants (UV is not same as Crye Pants), has optional bloused blendshape
Basic pants, you could wear a kneepad on top of these.
- Slimfit longsleeves
Basic longsleeves slimfit topwear, made to complement both the Crye and Softshell
- IM-Pact Glovesn (5-Finger only)
- Glove Type-A: Full Cover
- Glove Type-B: Index and Thumb are fingerless
- Glove Type-C: Fingerless
Based after the real world's M-Pact Gloves, these pair were made to protect your pawpads from further harm.
- Oakwood Gloves (5-Finger only)
- Glove Type-A: Full Cover
- Glove Type-B: Index and Thumb are fingerless
- Glove Type-C: Fingerless
The most popular gloves, commonly used by the generic soldier.
Use ApplyAccessories v1.1.9 Standard for the other clothing, but NOT Softshell
To wear the Softshell on your Nardo you will do the following:
- Click, drag and drop the Softshell Prefab into the GameObject of your avatar, then unpack the Softshell prefab.
- For each bone you must drag and drop it under the same name (ex.: Dragging Hips_Softshell under Hips). Do NOT reparent the Head_SOFTSHELL to your avatar's head due to how the jacket is set up. Softshell Tail bones must be zeroed.
- On the Head_SOFTSHELL GameObject, you must set the 1st constraint of its components to your avatar's actual head bone.
Clippings hardly noticeable around the crotch area of the pants, zippers of the Softshell Jacket have a tendency to float away from the clothing but this is also hardly noticeable, these are something I tried fixing with the best of my abilities.
As the base doesn't have a blendshape to hide the feet and toes, the alphas below that I have provided in the content, located inside the BodyMask folder of your library (not in your Unity project) are to mitigate the clipping. To use them you must set your avatar's Body and Misc materials to alpha cutout mode and use these textures to cut out the legs and the claws/feet paws.
This is currently the only method that does not involve updating your Nardoragon to have blendshapes to hide the legs and feet, issues with Depth related effects, such as Depth of Field and specially AO, will cause the claws to subtly appear.
VERSION 10 Texture Overhaul Update (from REX Version, applicable with Nardo)
This new update brings in an easier way to export your textures for your clothing, this is separated from the main UnityPackage due to size issues (filesize is a whopping 1.4GB)
Through the use of Photoshop or Photopea, you may now toggle a layer folder in the tools to enable a solid color or a camouflage pattern you desire, once done you may now able to export the PSD file as a PNG and use it for your material.
MOCHIE shader is required for the MOCHIE preset.
POIYOMI shader is required for the POIYOMI preset.
The .unitypackage file contains
- Individual models of the clothing pieces shown above
- Textures
- Materials
The world displayed in the media above is Kurotori Photo Studio.
You may use this on an avatar that is public
⚠ Reselling or redistribution IS NOT ALLOWED
⚠ Commissions including the item is allowed but both parties must have the asset bought. ⚠
⚠ For texture artists: Textures were done in Blender, no support for Substance. UVs are the same as were it was originally made for the Rexouium base, meaning you can use existing textures for this!
⚠ This asset is not Quest compatible, you may make use of Blender and through addons so that it uses the least amount material possible.
Camouflage patterns were generated by Jax Hendricks, thanks for the massive help!
Joke Patterns idea from Sashka, can be found in my Discord
Discord Server for when help or feedback is needed, and to get announcements or updates of my products.
ver1. initial release
ver1.1 fixed clippings on the slimfit, adjusted overall slimfit, cryetop, cryetshirt shape, excludes softshell